Psychological Testing and Assessment

I am currently conducting in-person testing, following current covid-19 protocols.  Since my patient and I are in close contact during a lengthy testing session, we both wear masks during the testing session.

Psychological testing is done for a variety of different reasons.  Below are some examples of the type of testing I provide and a brief description of each.  All types of evaluations can be conducted in English or Spanish, though final reports are only in English.


Limited Projective or Personality Testing alone is sometimes recommended when an assessment of an individual’s emotional/psychological functioning is required and there are no academic or cognitive concerns.  These evaluations are most often recommended by a therapist who seeks a greater understanding of a patient’s emotional functioning or personality.  Sometimes this type of evaluation includes cognitive testing as well.  This helps assure that cognitive factors (limited intellectual ability or uneven cognitive development) are not interfering with psychological and emotional functioning.

Psychoeducational Evaluations are conducted for the purposes of diagnosing a learning disability and/or ADHD.  They are generally recommended when a person is having academic or occupational difficulties.  These are also the evaluations required in order to receive accommodations on standardized national tests, such as the SAT, ACT, LSAT, GRE, and GMAT. In addition to including all the elements required for a good diagnostic report, these evaluations must meet the legal requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.  Meeting the legal requirements allows the person to potentially receive special education services in the classroom, academic accommodations in college, or occupational accommodations in the workplace.

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluations include all elements of a psychoeducational evaluation as described above, but also include tests to fully assess emotional/psychological functioning.  These tests are required when there are concerns about an individual’s mental health or behavior, particularly if emotional or behavioral factors interfere with academic or occupational functioning.  

Other types of testing are available including: